Decision date: 2023-08-17

Petitioner sought asylum and related relief on the basis of two particular social groups (PSG's): (1) Guatemalan Achi women who are single mothers and (2) Guatemalan Achi women unable to leave their relationships. The Fourth Circuit affirmed the agency’s finding that Petitioner had not shown a nexus to the first PSG, and the finding that she was able to leave her abusive relationships, so she was not a member of the second PSG. The Court also denied Petitioner’s request to remand for consideration of a new PSG – Guatemalan women – because Petitioner had not advanced this PSG before the agency.

Publication Status: Unpublished

Case judge: Harris, Keenan, King

Decision: Ramos De Caal v. Garland, No. 22-1650, 2023 WL 5289373 (4th Cir. Aug. 17, 2023) (unpublished)