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SIJS (VA): Girl Whose Father Abandoned Her Wants to Stay Here with Her Mother

*Merilyn – Honduras

Merilyn * is 13 years old and from Honduras. Merilyn’s mother Irma* briefly lived with her father, but he mistreated both Irma and Irma’s son from another relationship. When Irma announced she was pregnant with Merilyn, he left. Since then, the only interaction Merilyn has had with him occurred around Christmas one year. Irma begged him to come visit Merilyn. He did and brought her a doll but never visited, sent gifts, or maintained a relationship with her after that single encounter. Merilyn lives with her mother in Manassas, Virginia, and wants to remain here with her.

As a result of her father’s neglect and abandonment, Merilyn is eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS). SIJS is available to unaccompanied immigrant children who cannot be reunified with one or both parents due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment. SIJS requires three approvals, one from a state family court and two from USCIS. Because a state family court order is required, the attorney who represents Merilyn will need to be barred in Virginia or obtain court permission to appear pro hac vice.

All Amica Center matters placed with a pro bono team are robustly mentored by an Amica Center attorney. Our mentoring program includes an opening meeting to discuss the scope and process of the matter, provision of samples, guidance on the law, review of draft filings, assistance with client contact, and guidance on preparation for interviews and hearings.

Additional Information

  • Location

    Manassas, VA — not detained, living with her mother

  • Language

    Spanish—will require a fluent Spanish-speaking pro bono team member or an external interpreter/translator

Please contact our Managing Attorney for Pro Bono Coordination, Jennifer Grishkin, at if you are interested in taking this case.

*Pseudonyms are used to protect privacy.

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